The Inner Lighthouse Mission: Illuminating the Path to Healing and Community Empowerment

At the Inner Lighthouse, we are deeply committed to fostering a nurturing environment where individuals can find support, healing, and personal growth. Our collaboration with Project Positive Change has birthed the Positive Change Center, a testament to our shared vision of creating a harmonious community space for veterans and others experiencing mental health challenges and emotional trauma.

A Beacon of Hope and Healing

The Positive Change Center, nestled on the serene Camano Island, stands as a beacon of hope and unity. This initiative aligns perfectly with our mission at the Inner Lighthouse to offer a safe haven where individuals can embark on their journey towards healing. We believe in the power of community and the transformative impact of a supportive environment.

Building Together: Veterans at the Heart of Our Mission

One of the core elements of the Positive Change Center is the active involvement of veterans in its development. The Inner Lighthouse cherishes this collaboration, recognizing the immense value and unique insights that veterans bring to the table. Their leadership in various construction and artistic projects is not just about building physical structures; it’s about rebuilding lives and fostering a sense of purpose and belonging.

Programs and Services: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

In line with the Inner Lighthouse’s holistic philosophy, the Positive Change Center offers a range of therapeutic programs and services. These include counseling, peer support, mindfulness practices, and meditation classes. We believe in addressing wellness from a holistic standpoint, ensuring that everyone who walks through our doors feels heard, valued, and empowered.

A Collaborative Effort: Bridging Communities

The synergy between veterans and other community members, including professionals from various fields, underscores our belief in the strength of unity. This collaboration has not only resulted in a beautiful, functional space but has also nurtured lasting bonds and mutual understanding between veterans and civilians.

As we look to the future, the Inner Lighthouse, in partnership with Project Positive Change, remains dedicated to expanding the Positive Change Center’s reach. We envision a world where healing, growth, and positive transformation are accessible to all.

Join us in this journey of hope, healing, and community.
Together, we can illuminate the path to a brighter future.